
Privacy Policy

Guarantees of your personal data

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the Legislative Decree no. 30 June 2003, n. 196 the personal data provided at the time of signing the purchase order and / or the date of the invoice are excluded from the consensus as collected and held solely in accordance with the tax provided for by national law and European and are used only order to allow the proper fulfillment of the obligations arising from the purchase contract. The personal information provided by customers will not be used for commercial communications or for the realization of market research if not as a result of prior consent of the customer prior reading of rights (art . 7 Legislative Decree no. No. 196 / 2003) and the information as required by law (art. 13 D. Lgs. n . 196/2003). If you want to contact us , send an email to: enoteca.ca1935@gmail.com