
I fiori Pala. Cannonau di Sardegna Doc 75 cl.

I fiori Pala. Cannonau di Sardegna Doc 75 cl.


Controlled Origin Denomination

Red Wine

Grapes - Cannonau 100%.

Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard "Is Crabilis" (Serdiana) and "Acquasassa" (Ussana), low espalier, traditional sapling.

Age of vineyard - 10 years.

Crop production - 80 quintals to the hectare.

Soil Type - Medium hills of calcified clay, rich in texture. 150/180 m. above sea level.

Vinification, Refinement - The grapes, once pressed, macerate with the insertion of selected yeasts for about 6/7 days. The maceration ended, the fermentation follows at a controlled temperature. At the termination of the fermentation the product follows on in cement and stainless steel for about 8 months. After which it is allowed to rest bottled for another 2/3 months.

Tasting - Intense ruby red colour with violet threads, very clear. A very intense perfume, fresh and with connations of mature red fruits and vegetables.

Suggestions for use - Starters of mixed sausages, salamis etc. and plates of spicey food, white meats and red, and cheeses of medium seasoning. Serve at 16/18° C. uncorking the bottle at least 30 min. before decanting.

€ 10,50

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